A Fool’s Way


A Fool’s Way

This passage teaches us the fool’s way of living.  What causes us to take the fool’s way?


Psalms 14:1
1 The fool says in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, their deeds are vile;
there is no one who does good. (NIV)


To deny God is the fool’s way. Considering the design, originality, and beauty of creation, clearly, there is a God. We are still discovering galaxies and new species. With each discovery, we must expand our understanding of God. The Bible teaches us that the intention behind’s God’s creation is to reveal His character and power.

Is it easier to believe in a Supreme Being who has created all of this or that there was an explosion that somehow blasted all we see into place from an infinitesimal singular point of density and heat? Even scientists admit this is a guess based on mathematical models. These models are in the same vein as weather models trying to predict the weather. How’s that working for us?

What does it take to ignore the evidence of a Supreme Designer creating with incomprehensible complexity? It’s pride.

It’s one thing to wonder if there is no god. Sure, we see creation, but God is invisible. It’s understandable to question, but this posture should leave us with questions, not a certainty. It takes a great deal of pride for a person to say they ‘know’ there is no God surrounded by so much that cannot be explained, not even by the greatest minds and technology. This pride leads to barbarous behavior, a fool’s way.

To say there is no God is to deny all moral authority. The disbelief gives license to licentiousness. As believers, we know there is one true God who is the source of all wisdom. To reject God is to reject wisdom. Without wisdom, we operate in our own understanding. We pursue what seems right, but all that seems right in the context of the sinful nature can be reduced to selfishness which ruins everything.

Selfishness is the opposite of pure love. Love gives and selfishness takes. Love considers first the welfare of others while selfishness pursues first its own interests and desires. This is the fool’s way of life.

Here’s the kicker though. We can believe in God, but live life as if God doesn’t exist. When we live as if we will not be held accountable by a holy God, we essentially give ourselves license to determine our own morality. We give ourselves permission as if we had the authority to do so, to live life as we choose. However, to live as if there is no god is to live in a vacuum of wisdom leading to the decay of our life. It is the fool’s way.


Prayer: Lord, let me not only believe in You but let me live each moment as if I am accountable to You for all I do and speak. Amen.

Biblical principles Christian Counseling



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