What We Think Matters


What We Think Matters

What we think matters.

Philippians 4:8-9
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. (NIV)


There are many things we do without thinking such as breathe, walk, blink, etc. We don’t do these things with intent. They just happen. But most of what we do in life is born first in our thoughts with intent. Our thoughts produce intent which in turn can produce action. But everything begins with our thought. No wonder Scripture teaches we must be transformed by the renewing of the mind, or the way we think, to find God’s plan for our life. To go even further, Paul reminds us that our greatest weapon in spiritual warfare is the discipline to take captive our thoughts and turn them into obedience to Christ, the Truth.

Every intention that we have ever had or will ever have begins in our minds. What we think matters.

If you intended to go to work today, that intention beginning in your mind moved your body, as tired as it was, into the shower, to get dressed, into the car, through the drive-thru for coffee, until you found yourself sitting at work.

If you intended to set a boundary when your spouse has been hurtful, it began with the thoughts of hurt and pain. These produced the intent of setting a boundary. This intent created some kind of action to let them know what they did or said was not ok. Everything begins in our mind and what we think matters.

The problem is our eyes. The Bible says our eyes are the lamp of the body. The dissonance of society fills our soul like sun rays into the living room. These move our thoughts negatively producing ungodly action. And even if we wanted to escape, the Lord has sent us into this raucous world. How can we minister to it if we don’t look at it. But as we open our eyes to a fallen world, we must find the good in the bad. We must find the rainbow in the storm. We must find God’s intention and His action in a dark world.

God is omnipresent. He is in all things. There is always praise hidden in the lament. Finding Heaven through Hell on Earth keeps our soul filled with light. Heaven will be the absence of pain and suffering. Until then, we must open our eyes to the joylessness of our world but with a piercing gaze, find God’s goodness. Think on these things.

Prayer: Lord, help me to be filled with you each morning in a safe place that I might find You in the Hellish fires that will surely come. Amen.

Biblical principles Christian Counseling

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