Unloved by God?
July 1, 2023 2023-07-01 7:59Unloved by God?
I love that song, it’s an old song now I guess, “How He Loves.” The David Crowder band performed it and I still love it to this day. And our church loves it. When we go into that song, the voices lift in unison in a strong sense of connection with the Holy Spirit. As the pastor though, I am fully aware of many sitting in our church that can sing that song, love that song, but they don’t actually feel loved by God. Isn’t something that God can love us like He does, but we still feel unloved, unwanted, punished, rejected by God because of the issues going on in our life. Our Verse of the Day makes it clear that God’s love never ends:
Romans 8:39
neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
What a wonderful promise! The Lord will never stop loving you. He has never stopped loving anyone. Imagine the worst person in history and we can have total assurance that God has never stopped loving them. This passage says that nothing in all of creation can separate us from the love of God. Do you realize what this means? Even those who rejected God their entire life and have found their death in Hell are still loved by God! They are still loved by God!
I fully believe that once someone really understands how much God loves them, they would never reject Him. But to understand how much God loves us, we have to understand how God loves us and what love really is.
Love is always doing what is best for the other person. What is best for you, me, and every other soul on this Earth? Is it not to help birth and increase our faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior so that our death will end in paradise with Him forever? But God if forced us to have faith in Him, it would not be faith. It has to be our choice. All He can do is arrange our life circumstances in a way that would help us to turn to Him in faith. Faith that He exists is not faith that saves. We must have faith that His death on the cross saves us, but to believe this, we must believe that He loved us enough to do that for us. Believing He did this for others is not enough. We must believe that He died on the cross with our name on his lips. This is a hard faith to grasp if we don’t believe that God loves us and if we don’t understand how He loves us, we can separate ourselves from Him though He never stops loving us.
To attempt to reveal to us how much He loves us, He may have to let us get into a place where we need to be rescued. He may allow us into a situation that is beyond our peace so that He can prove Himself to be our Peace. He may allow us into hopeless situations to reveal to us that He watches us constantly to know when we hurt that He might give us strength. If we don’t understand that sometimes God must give the devil a little bit of success to help us realize that we can’t save ourselves. But His purpose is to always help us see how much He loves us that we might have faith.
Does this help?
Are you able to see that the roughest moments in life are simply a dark place used by God to make His love for us brighter in our own eyes?
Do you struggle to know that God loves you? What things might you not understand that is causing you to feel unloved by God? Leave me a comment. I would love to help if I can.
Live Blessed and Be a Blessing!