The Unsearchable Things


The Unsearchable Things

One passage beyond human capability to understand is that if we, as Fathers, want to give good things to our children, how much more does our Father in Heaven wants to give to us, His children? He can’t wait to give us the unsearchable things.

Our soul is blacker than coal compared to the purity of His. Our goodness compared to His is like the sun compared to an almost unseen star that is galaxies away. Yet, in our depleted goodness, we desperately want good things for our children. How much more does a heart pure like God want good things for His children?

We might ask why He doesn’t give to us as He desires. He is a good father, not one who would spoil His children with indulgence gifts without accountability and discipline. But if and when we align ourselves with His heart, what providence rushes from Heaven to our soul?


the unsearchable things


Jeremiah 33:3
3 ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ (NIV)



We may call to the Lord in desperation, but the word ‘call’ in this passage also means ‘to accost.’ To approach boldly, and aggressively with a demand or request. A desperate person does not accost but pleads. The confidence to accost is the result of a strengthening pattern of trust in Him. When we do not spend time with Him, meditate upon His word, or worship Him giving thanks in all circumstances, then our trust waivers. But as our trust increases, we are confident to approach His throne of grace to ask boldly for what we need.

God’s response to this level of trust and boldness is to endow us with the unsearchable things. His desire is to give us what He knows. Understanding so beyond the parameters of the human mind, we would not even know how to search for the treasure of His revelations

Everything that is from God is readily available to you and me right now. We must get out of our own way crucifying the passions and desires of sin within us. To know the unsearchable riches of God’s wisdom is a mesmerizing thought, yet His wisdom is not His greatest gift. His wisdom is surpassed even more by His love. What if we stop sabotaging our own experience with God and pursued Him wholeheartedly? Then we would trust Him enough to boldly call upon His name.

Prayer: Lord, remind me of all You desire for me and help me get out of my own way to You. Amen.

Pastor Lee - Daily Devotions - Biblical Principles of Faith

The Sacred Union


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