The Modern Biblical Woman


The Modern Biblical Woman


What does the modern Biblical woman look like? The month of May is the month for Moms and women.  For decades, the perfect woman was  submissive wife,  relegated to keeping their mouth shut, operating in absolute obedience to their husband, having no opinion and no say in family matters.  But this picture of a perfect wife is so far from Biblical truth.  Yes, a wife is called to be submissive to their husbands, but even that has been wrongly taught in the churches.  I wanted to take a minute and go back in time, 2500 years back in time, to analyze what was believed to be the perfect wife, the modern Biblical woman.


She was a faithful wife.  She did no harm to her husband but she did good for her husband and he trusted her.  

She was a hard-worker.  She would get up early to cook and clean and provide for her family.

She was a successful entrepreneur.  She started her own business with her own money and worked like crazy to grow that business into a very profitable venture.

She was a beast in the gym.  She worked hard building strength in her arms.  I guess she would need to be strong to be able to do all she was doing.

She was a philanthropist.  After making her own money, she used it for good in helping those in need.  She gave to charity with generosity.

She had self-respect and did not allow herself to be disrespected.  She didn’t marry some guys who would take advantage of her, use her, abuse her.  She married a man who took care of his own business as a leader in the community.

She started another side-hustle.  Not only did she have her main business, but she had multiple businesses producing more income.

She was highly organized.  How could she cook, clean, run two businesses, stay in shape and not neglect her family unless she was highly organized, type A, get-it-done kind of woman.

She was not full of anxiety.  In fact, she laughed at times to come.  So full of confidence and power that troubled times do not scare her.  She knows she is an overcomer and, with the Lord’s help, always rise to the top in difficult situations.

She was wise.  Her children, her husband, and many others would come to her for her wisdom as she taught them the path to the best life.

Her children loved her.  Her husband praised her.  

She was a Godly woman.


I think the last part is the key.  She sought to live as God commanded.  She received her identity from God, not society.  She knew she was made in the image of God.  She knew she was fearfully and wonderfully made.  She knew God had given her wisdom and the ability to produce wealth.  She understood the call of God on her life to love her husband, her children, and those who were in need.  This is God’s plan for every woman.

Not every woman will do everything this woman did.  This is a fictional woman portrayed to us by the Holy Spirit in the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 31.  But she will be productive, accomplished, and confident in herself.  She will know that all things are possible with God.  She will not live by fear but in the power and love and self-discipline of the Holy Spirit.

No one, including women, should allow society to tell them what they should be.  Whether it is the women’s liberation movement telling them to not have families or husbands and to be sexually free or fundamental religious groups attempting to define them solely by their ability to have children.  A wife is called to be submissive to her husband, but that doesn’t mean she is somehow less than he.  Every woman has been gifted to be great, accomplish much, love generously, and exceed expectations.

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

Comments (3)

  1. Holly K.

    I think it is important to note that this chapter describes a women across her lifespan. There is a tremendous amount of pressure placed on women to be everything all the time…we don’t have to do ALL the things detailed in Proverbs 31 in a day.

    1. User Avatar

      That is a great point. And I hope I did not come across as if to be a Biblical woman, a woman had to accomplish all these things. My purpose was to break down what many people believe the Bible says about women, that they should be barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen without a voice, barely more than a servant to their husbands.

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