Something Out Of Nothing


Something Out Of Nothing

Formless, empty darkness.  This was how it was in the beginning.  Even as I say the beginning, there is no beginning for our Lord.  He is eternal, infinite, without beginning nor end. He has been, and will always be.  God, the formless Spirit began to create. In the darkness, He spoke. Light suddenly permeated what was empty.  Forms of celestial bodies became even as breath released from His mouth with the words, “Let there be…” He is the God that makes something out of nothing.

Today, we have such a powerful passage to study.  Here is our Verse of the Day:


Psalms 121:1-2

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—

where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord,

the Maker of heaven and earth.

God's Plan

We like progress.  We like to see movement.  When we begin to pray about a situation, our heart earnestly watches for any change, any improvement.  We know the Lord is here. We know He is the God who never leaves nor forsakes (Deuteronomy 31:8). We know He is an ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). We know all of this and we are confident in this.  It is the waiting that we can hardly stand. We struggle in our faith when we can’t see any change. We can easily begin to lose hope. We fight our own doubt and discouragement to keep the faith. But this passage is full of hope.  Today, if you have no hope for your situation, listen to the Holy Spirit as He whispers these words into your ear, “Your help comes from the Maker of Heaven and Earth.”

Suddenly, in a flash, without warning, as quickly as the words are spoken in Heaven, our help will come.  From darkness to light, despair to praise, weeping to laughter, something out of nothing, this is how God first presents Himself to us.  

I do not wish to convey the message that God will answer our prayers suddenly.  Waiting is a greatly desired spiritual discipline. Our ability to wait for God increases the glory He receives when He does finally move.  It may take a day, a year, twenty, but don’t lose hope because at any moment, at any time, God may do something out of nothing.  


We wait and wrestle our human nature to be patient and how hard it is.  But if we can allow the Holy Spirit to write this truth upon our hearts, hope will never die.  We may pray for a long time asking the Lord to move and after the darkest seasons, we may see nothing, emptiness without forms.  But no matter how long the murkiness has stilled all around us, God could move abruptly on our behalf. So we wait, but in expectation knowing He is able to turn everything around, revolutionizing our life, changing the world, reviving the church, restoring families, healing the sick, shutting down the enemy in the blink of an eye.  Don’t let the darkness fool you. It means nothing to our God.


Do you struggle to wait on the Lord?  Does this passage help give you hope as you wait?

Leave me a comment.  I would love to hear how you are doing and pray with you.


Live Blessed and Be a Blessing!


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