Remain in His Love


Remain in His Love

Remain in His love.

John 15:10
10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. (NIV)


Love is the power that can cause a man or woman to reject their own nature to move in a direction that makes no sense and seems to keep them from the good things in life. When a person truly decides to follow Christ, it can cost them dearly. They can lose friends, lose romance, lose money. All those things the world has taught us are good and right are abandoned for a new lifestyle because a person senses how God loves them.

Think about your life and how many people tried to get you to fully submit to the will of God. People throughout our life have advised us to turn from sinful ways, but we didn’t. Even people that we loved and respect try to turn us in the right direction. But none of this had a lasting impact until we began to understand the love of God.

This passage teaches us that God’s love is not only something to be grasped, felt, and understood but a context by which we can choose to live. We can remain in His love. In doing this, we remain in Him.

I remember as a child being fearful at times and hiding behind my dad’s legs. I understood my Dad was a more opposing figure than I was. But remaining in Christ is more than hiding behind the legs of God. Any angry person that I feared could still see me and I knew it. To be in Christ is to be unseen so that the spirit behind those things, people, and circumstances attempted to steal, kill, and destroy cannot differentiate between me and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am nothing scary to any demon, but they are scared out of their wits of Jesus.

Remaining in His love is not something we do according to felt needs. We are guided into the love of God by following His commands. All the commands found in Scripture, if followed with the attitude we are commanded to have, will result in loving God, loving our neighbor, loving our enemies, and loving ourselves. It won’t always meet a felt need because sometimes what people feel they need is not good for them. To remain in love is to live in power. He has given us a spirit that is love and power. To remain in His love is to live in the power that changes lives.

Prayer: Lord, give me power in my spirit to comprehend the vast love You have for me. Amen.

Pastor Lee - Daily Devotions - Biblical Principles of Faith


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