Release Supernatural Power from the Bible
July 1, 2023 2023-07-01 7:57Release Supernatural Power from the Bible
Not that we seek the Lord for what He can do for us, but He wants to release supernatural power in our lives and one way He does this is through the Bible. We learn how He does this from a little incident when the little boy Jesus went missing for three days 🙂
Luke 2:46-47
After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the
teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. 47 Everyone
who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. (NIV)
We don’t truly know a great deal about these three days. We don’t know where the boy Jesus stayed. We don’t know who was feeding him or taking care of him, if anyone. Perhaps, he was fasting this whole time. Perhaps he was sleeping in the Temple or going home with some family not mentioned. We do not know. But we do know that it was the third day when Mary and Joseph found him. The third day-does that sound familiar to anyone? The third day is a definite connection to release supernatural power into our life.
Can you imagine the fear that ran through these two very young parents? Can you imagine the guilt they must have felt? For two day, they wondered if their boy was ok. Had something happened? Was He ok? Was He dead? He was none of these, but studying from the teachers of the law. And on the third day, they found their boy alive and well sitting at the feet of the master teachers of the temple. He was alive.
It’s All About the Third Day!
Luke was an intelligent man, a doctor. When he wrote these words, the crucifixion and resurrection had already happened. When he brought out this detail that it was on the third day that Jesus was found, there is a reference to the cross. Studying is strangely compared to torture, death, then resurrection of Jesus Christ.
When we study the Scripture, it can be torturous. We are studying something that seems, at times, straightforward and then at others, contradicting. To find the full meaning of these words written so long ago requires cross-referencing to know things such as why Passover is a direct foreshadowing of the cross of Jesus Christ. Research must be done to understand the culture in which the words were written. Deep thought goes into trying to understand the characters and what they were feeling at the time it was written. Plain and simple, it’s work. But the rewards!
We saw nothing supernatural at the trials of Jesus Christ. We saw nothing supernatural at His death. There were no angels’ song. There was no voice from Heaven. His wounds were not healed as they were inflicted. Ten thousand angels did not descend upon Calvary to lift our Savior away from that wooden cross. But the third day…oh that glorious day! Supernatural power released. The dead came back to life. Wounds that had killed were mere scars to prove that Jesus was the same man that drowned in his own blood hanging by the nails in his hands and feet. The third day was a release of glory.
Bible Study will release supernatural power.
When Luke brings out that Christ was found on the third day after studying for two days listening to the teachers and asking questions, he is subtlety revealing the supernatural power that comes when we learn to study through. It is just work to study once here and there. But if we can ever develop a habit of continual study, the power of God will come to our heart and quicken our spirit like nothing on Earth can.
We are not studying analytical geometry-Praise the Lord! We are not studying sentence formation nor are we studying for a test. We are taking in, digging deeper, meditating on the very breath of God.
2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is God-breathed
And we do not study in solitude even if we are at the top floor of a library abandoned late at night. No, we have a study partner, a supernatural tutor guiding us into all truth. We study the breath of God while the Holy Spirit guides our hearts and minds to find the Revealer of Mysteries speaks from within us through the words written down and leads us through doorways of revelation we have never seen. These amaze us and electrical currents of Heaven race through our veins and give life. To read the Scripture is a blessing, but to study it through and consistently brings life to the dead places of our soul. It’s right there for you. Sitting on your desk, your coffee table, an app in your phone, waiting for you, the breath of God and supernatural power. Study the Word and release supernatural power from the Bible!
God has an awesome plan for your life!
If you haven’t yet, check out my books. Prepare For Greater Things follows the journey of Abraham teaching the principles of God that will lead us to greater blessing not matter what we are going through. With All Your Heart follows the life of Moses teaching a deeper trust level to end negative cycles such as anger, depression, and unhealthy relationships.