Reading the Bible for Maximum Exposure


Reading the Bible for Maximum Exposure

Hebrews 4:12
12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (NIV)


My counseling training is in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Biblical integration. Scripture aligns with this theory so well. Jesus said it this way, “If you abide in my teaching…then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” The key is allowing the Word of God, the Truth in all things, to penetrate us deeply. We need to be reading the Bible for maximum exposure.

Recently, in counseling, I have seen two clients stymied by my application of Scripture to their thoughts or emotions. Each brought out how they have heard me from the pulpit teach and preach on these Scriptures, but they had never had it applied so deeply in the minutia of their thoughts. This is the power of the Living Word of God.

If we are not careful, the Scripture can become nothing more than a philosophical narrative absent of individual transformative power. The Bible should change us from the inside out. It is to be read in the Spirit allowing the spiritual nature of the text to penetrate into every thought, idea, emotion, and decision. When read in the Spirit, it has the power to cleanse from our spirit the dirt that obscures the freedom we have in Christ. Like a West Texas mud storm, it blinds us from God’s path to abundant living.

If we truly grasped the power of the Word, we would spend more time reading and meditating. God desires to write His word on the tablets of your heart.

To read the Word or listen to someone teach the Word, we must first raise our consciousness of the Spirit’s presence. We must allow ourselves to move outside of our human frame to discover spiritual communion with God, who is spirit. This process begins and ends with meditation and praise on the goodness of God, and what He has been and done for us personally. To give thanks elevates our soul to the Throne of Grace, then we are ready to encounter the power of the Word of God.

Prayer: Lord, let me not approach the Bible as a box to be checked, but teach me to elevate in communion with Him so that Your Word may penetrate me deeply. Amen.

Pastor Lee Biblical principles of faith




Christian Marriage Book

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