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Prepare For Greater Things


Prepare for Greater Things was my first book. It was ten years in the writing.

Most people do not understand so many of God’s principles come in the form of if-then statements. If we do this, then God will do that.

The most difficult times to see these principles and know what to do are in times of pain, confusion, and despair. Prepare for Greater Things will teach you principles to respond to these times in a way that will position you for greater things from God.

I pray it is a blessing to you!

-Pastor Lee


Learn how to Prepare for Greater Things!

Prepare for Greater Things will teach Biblical principles to help you respond to situations with a Godly discernment allowing God to open the floodgates of Heaven into your life.

Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father in Heaven, but as we learned in Eden, the enemy can mess anything up. God has a great plan for your life, but finding that plan is the hard part.

Prepare For Greater Things walks through Biblical principles to understand the movements of God all around us. The Bible says the Holy Spirit will give us the mind of Christ. Through the Spirit and the truth of the Word of God, we can begin to understand what God is doing and how He is trying to move in the lives of everyone involved in different situations in life. Once we know how God is moving, we know how to respond as He desires.

This is not easy. Most do not mature as believers but God has called us to be partakers of the divine nature of God. The Spirit can help us think like God so that we begin to respond like God, discerning His purpose and plan for our life.

The Bible says God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will for our life cannot be found without a transformation that requires a renewing of our minds. In other words, we must undo the way we think and take on the thought patterns of God according to Scripture. This process is not a one and done, but a journey we travel with the Lord. Along this journey, He prepares us for greater things and leads us finally to that good, pleasing, and perfect will for our life.

We first must understand our thought patterns and their source and how these differ from God’s. Then, through spiritual practices we commune with the Spirit for transformation within then we get ready for a plan that is greater than eyes have seen, ears have heard, or minds have imagined.

Through his 20+ years of pastoral counseling, Lee Young has helped many find healing, purpose, and direction for their life through Biblical truths. He guides the reader through principles of how the Holy Spirit heals the wounds of the past, renews hope, and directs steps into God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will for life.

Why did God let this happen? What is God’s will for me? Has God forgotten me? Have I messed up everything beyond repair? If you are asking yourself these questions, it is time to “prepare for greater things.” This book will give you insight into God’s desire for your life and how He will each moment, each blessing, and each heart-wrenching moment to accomplish His good will in your life. But we must understand how He is using each moment. Without this understanding, it is easy to step off the right path. It is easy to get lost in the pain of broken dreams. The good news is that the Holy Spirit teaches through the Word of God how to complete the journey and arrive at His plan for our happiness.

$17 (includes tax and shipping)

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Weight 10.4 kg
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 1 cm


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