Mere Mortals


Mere Mortals

Mere mortals.

Psalms 56:4
4 In God, whose word I praise—
in God I trust and am not afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me? (NIV)


After Uvalde, it is hard to say mere mortals have not inflicted horrific damage. The truth is they have. How do we reconcile the atrocities of this life with the Word of God? This quandary does not only exist in the worst of nightmares, but even in the smaller irritations people create all around us.


We must approach the question from a place of faith. God cannot lie nor can He break a promise. Yet, He does allow suffering. The fact God has allowed Satan time to roam and create havoc makes it clear that God is allowing suffering. But His word reminds us He is working to reconcile to Himself all of nature and every soul that would choose to Him. Suffering is not what God wants, but He sees the necessity as a means of moving hearts away from evil and toward Him. Mere mortals are not greater than God but an instrument of His purpose. He remains in control.


Only in suffering can we truly choose God knowing our hearts are pure. When God is actively alleviating our struggles, it is easier to be loyal to Him. But He allows seasons of suffering to give us an opportunity to see if we have only been loyal because of what He does for us. He tarries to deliver us from the pain of life for us to see our hearts and our true level of faith.


At the same time, the Lord allows pain and suffering to reveal the end path of rebellion against God. The Bible says there is a way that seems right to God, but it leads to destruction. By allowing sin to finish its course leading to pain and suffering, God allows the lies of the enemy to be revealed. Atrocities do not happen spontaneously. Before the pain, there is selfishness, anger, lust, and jealousy that lead to greater pain. The trap of mere mortals is to underestimate unseen sinful attitudes that lead to real-life pain.


Finally, the Lord calls us to have an eternal view of all things. In addition to what He is doing in the hearts of those suffering, He has provided a place in Heaven for the innocent hurt by the pain of this world. They return to Him where all pain is gone immersed in pure love.


Prayer: Lord, help me not to lose faith as I wait for Your deliverance. Amen.

Biblical principles Christian Counseling

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