Make the Most of Every Opportunity
July 1, 2023 2023-07-01 8:03Make the Most of Every Opportunity
Colossians 4:5-6
Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. (NIV)
God wants us to make the most of every opportunity. But life can change in a moment. We never know when an unknown door will suddenly present itself. We must be ready. We must consistently live with confidence that God may break in at any moment with a new thing that is more than we have conceived. Being ready for the certainty of new possibilities keeps us in the will of God.
He is the God who always does something new while working to purpose each moment for our good. If this is true, why would we not always be ready to discern new opportunities from God?
God works for us in the Earthly realm to establish the location of the spiritual work He has called us to. This means each opportunity will be relational. We will have to interact with people. God’s concern is less about business dealings or earthly opportunities as much as those things eternal. To recognize and make the most of every opportunity from the Lord, we must be predisposed to a loving demeanor regardless of who we encounter. The earthly opportunities will match our spiritual calling.
In the world of opportunities, some may be influenced to further us if we allow them to use or take advantage of us. This is not God’s will, and we must be wise to identify these moments of clarity as the Lord makes it clear we are not to work with these people. At the same time, we want each moment of every day, every interaction with others, to reflect our love and genuine concern for them. We must love like Christ. In doing this, those with the ability to bless and those seeking partners in new ventures will consider us someone they would enjoy working with.
Wisdom is the recognition that each moment, each encounter is pregnant with possibilities in both the earthly and spiritual realms.
Prayer: Lord, Remind me that my first vocation is to be an ambassador for you. Remind me that what I do for a living is secondary to my calling but also connected to the commission You have given me. Amen.