Just Tell Me God


Just Tell Me God

Is it just me or does anyone else ever wish God would just tell them what to do?  In one of my books, I wrote, “God, I have no problem obeying You, but I need you to just tell me what to do.”  I think a lot of us are like this. In the confusing dilemmas of life, we want God to give us clear directions.  I remember reading when God gave Ananias very specific instructions. He told him exactly where to go and even gave him the address and the name of the person he was supposed to speak to.  How awesome is that! If only the Lord would give me the exact words and the exact people, and the exact decisions to make, I would do it, but this is not how the Lord works generally. And that brings us to the Verse of the Day:


Psalms 119:105

105 Your word is a lamp for my feet,

a light on my path.



Why can’t God just tell us?  Wouldn’t it be easier? Wouldn’t it be easier for us and for Him?  How much more would we get done if He would simply be clear in His instructions?  We wouldn’t waste time praying and pleading with Him to give us a Word, a sign, a revelation.  It just seems that it would be better. But nope, that is not what God does. He only lights up the next step.  His Word is a lamp at my feet along the path in the darkness. Remember, when He called Abram, He just told him to get up and go but never told him where to go.  

I suppose if I could ask the Lord and He would quickly give me the exact instructions of what to do, I would spend more time doing for Him than being with Him.  This way, as frustrating as it is, reveals God’s priorities. Being with us, spending time with us, in relationship with us is more important than doing the things He wants us to do.  This methodology is designed for communion, not accomplishment.

When we don’t have the exact instructions for life, we must stay in the presence of God so that He can tell us the next step.  He leads us little by little. It’s like walking in the dark forest with a lantern that only illuminates a couple of feet, maybe a yard in front of you.  Without the lantern, you would be in total darkness. That lantern is the most essential thing to find the way out of the forest. If that were you walking through the forest with just a lantern, how much would You protect that lantern?

The Lord, His Word, is our lantern in the darkness.  He is revealing to us the way out of the darkness, the way to victory, but only step by step.  How much should we protect our communion with the Lord? If we don’t, we will be totally lost without wisdom to know the next step.  Be vigilant in protecting your time with the Lord. He is all we have to guide us through the traps lying in wait in this dark world.


Stay in the Light.  Live Blessed and Be a Blessing!

Pastor Lee.net




Books and Workbooks

Pastor Lee and AmyPastor Lee is a pastor and Biblical life coach.  He has been helping people through counseling, pastoring, teaching, and preaching for 20+ years.  His ministry focuses on helping people overcome the strongholds of the past and press on into God’s plan for an abundant life.  He has been married to his wife, Amy for 28 years.  He has three sons and one daughter-in-love.  For more about Pastor Lee or to get some Biblical advice, go to the About page.

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