How To Find Refuge in the Lord


How To Find Refuge in the Lord


Have you ever wondered how to find refuge in the Lord?

I love the imagery we get from Proverbs 18:10 when it says the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and they are saved.  Clearly, the Lord wants us to see Him as a refuge when times are difficult.  When we are hurt, afraid, anxious, or fearful, He is our refuge.  But how do we find refuge in the Lord? And this brings us to our Verse of the Day:

As for God, his way is perfect:
The LORD’s word is flawless;
he shields all who take refuge in him.
Psalms 18:30 (NIV)

I do have a question though and perhaps, it is a question you also have asked.  If God’s ways are perfect, why do I need refuge?  If His ways are perfect, it would seem that I would not experience fear, mistrust, betrayal, or pain.  Right?  Is it just me or would anyone else ask this question too?

The Bible says that God’s ways are higher than our ways.  Yet, the Bible also says that we have been given the mind of Christ and Christ knows the thoughts of His father.  So we too, can know the thoughts of the Father.  The confusion over this idea that God’s ways are perfect, but somehow, life can still stink is found in the ‘way’ of God.  What is His way?  What is He trying to accomplish?  What is His purpose in all that He does or doesn’t do?

God’s way is that we would be in relationship with Him.  He desires a love relationship.  He wants to be near to us but out of love for us, He doesn’t force us.  Instead, He does all He can to reveal Himself to us.  His hope is that when we have tasted and seen that He is good, we will desire to be in relationship with Him.  He reveals His goodness, His providence,  His patience, love, and beneficence toward us, we will seek Him and never leave Him.  What does the Bible say?  We love Him because He first loved us.  But His love for us is not always apparent.  Sin has placed scales on our eyes that must be removed.

God works to remove the scales by allowing us to endure hardship and struggle that will force us to seek Him out as the omnipotent God who can deliver us, the loving God who will not abandon us.  This is His way.  Yet, going through Hell on Earth does not always draw us near to God.  We must also learn how to take refuge in Him.

The word refuge here is also translated into the word ‘trust.’  To take refuge in Him, prayer is good, calling upon His name is good.  But ultimately, refuge from our situation comes from trusting God enough to handle the situation with Godly wisdom that comes only from the Word of God.


Moses Finding Refuge in the Lord

When Moses was facing a troublesome and disobedient people who wanted water, He was facing serious temptation.  God told Moses to speak to the rock and water would gush out for the people, but Moses did not trust this was what was best for the people.  Instead of speaking to the rock, He yelled at them.  He thought he knew more of what to do than God and in his arrogance, he actually claims to be the one who brings water out of the rock instead of giving God the credit.  And God said to Moses, “Because you did not trust in me enough.”  Moses did not take refuge in God.  Moses felt the people needed to be chastised, but God knew the people needed kindness in that moment.  Moses was facing the heat of the people’s frustration but he didn’t take refuge in God.

If you want to find refuge in God during the trying times of life, search the Scripture for how God would want you to handle that person, situation, or choice.  Seek out godly people who would advise you from a Biblical perspective.  Then trust the Word of God and do what God says.  In doing this, you will run into the strong tower and you will find relief from everything else.  Don’t worry about how things will progress, what people will say or do.  Just follow the principles of Scripture in that moment and know that God will work it all out from there.  Then you will find refuge in the Lord!

Y’all live blessed and be a blessing!





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