His Death Conquered Death in Us
July 1, 2023 2023-07-01 8:02His Death Conquered Death in Us
His death conquered sin in us.
1 Corinthians 15:55
55 “Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?” (NIV)
Before Christ, because of our inherited sinful nature, we lived in bondage under the law of sin and death. The Bible says the sting of death is sin. Because we could not break the power of death, we had no power against sin. Sin was our nature. Then Christ exerted power over the law of sin and death and broke us out of that prison.
As believers, we live in Him. God sees us at one with Christ, not because of our righteousness, but our faith. He credits our faith as righteousness. God sees not the sin in us, but the righteousness of Christ all over us. This credit of righteousness gives us the grace to answer His call to push past faith in Christ to obedience to His teaching. With great love, He compels us to live in the righteousness He has credited us with.
His victory over death justifies us as recipients of great power from the Holy Spirit to live a righteous life. Before Christ, we had no defense against sin. As easily as we got up in the morning, selfishness, hedonism, and covetousness poured out of us. But we are no longer helpless.
Because we are forgiven, there is no fear of God’s wrath in judgment. Now we receive His discipline in love. He has replaced this fear with a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. Now we have the power to resist every temptation. We have the power to be cleansed of all unrighteousness. If the sting of death is sin and we have been given power over death and sin, our victory cry is “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” We have victory through the power of Christ given to us for forgiveness and sanctification.
The spirit of power, love, and self-discipline is not three different spirits, but one spirit giving us all three of these. As we submit to the Holy Spirit, we receive a power that changes us which will change our environment, circumstances, and relationships for the better. This power helps us to love better and discipline our flesh against temptation. We can escape the destructive sinful patterns. His death conquered death in us.
Prayer: Lord, help me to seek Your power in the face of every temptation without fear of judgment should I fail. In the absence of fear and the manifestation of your power in me, cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Amen.