Have you become Comfortable with Crazy?
July 1, 2023 2023-07-01 7:57Have you become Comfortable with Crazy?
My son and I had a blast the other day going to watch the Spurs. It is always fun to go and it is a great atmosphere. If you have ever been to an NBA game, then you know there are no commercials. When everyone at home is watching commercials, there is a lot happening on the court. For the Spurs games, it is the Coyote!
I don’t know who this guy or girl is under that giant head, but the Coyote cracks me up. With crazy green eyes, a bushy tail, and a t-shirt cannon, the Coyote will get the crowd going making more money in one night than I make all year I would imagine. He really gets people pumped. And he is hilarious!
We were watching the game and then there was a commercial time-out. The Coyote comes in and just starts to go crazy. He calls with only the place of his paw at his tall ear to the crowd on the north side, then the south side, the east
My eye turned to the players whose faces were numb. They had no reaction. They just looked at this giant coyote with cartoon eyes wearing a Spurs jersey as he cheered the home team and taunted the visitors. They were completely comfortable with this crazy character. Have you ever found yourself comfortable with crazy?
This scene brought back to my mind the parable of the prodigal son that Jesus told. The youngest son wanted to leave the structure of his father’s house so he took his inheritance early to go out for some wild living. But he ran out of money very quickly and found himself penniless without any way to take care of himself. The only job he could find was feeding pigs for a farmer. Now, there is nothing wrong with good, honest work feeding pigs. The pigs have to be fed. But it was crazy for this young man whose father was so wealthy that his servants were living better than this son who had gone off to live it up.
The Bible says that when the son came to his senses, he stood up out of the pig pen and walked by to his father who greeted him with exceeding joy. Sometimes, when we are surrounded by crazy, we can get used to it. Drama. Yelling. Screaming. Being treated horrible at a job. Getting beat by your husband for no other reason except he is drunk again. Letting what someone said to you last year still bother you. Craziness!
You have a Father in Heaven who has all you need in life. He is Your provision. Jesus said this:
Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Crazy will wear you down. It sucks the life right out of you. Life becomes heavy and our spirit fatigues. But the God who calms the storm can also calm our life. He can stop the madness and end the chaos. He is a strong tower that cannot be moved and when the righteous run to Him, we are saved.
Has ‘crazy’ been going on in your life for too long? Where do you need to come to your senses? I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below.