God’s Power Working Through You
July 1, 2023 2023-07-01 8:02God’s Power Working Through You
2 Corinthians 3:6
He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant —not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life (NIV)
The Holy Spirit is not so weak that our inadequacies should overwhelm Him. Our failures are not so great to eclipse the glory of God. If the devil, who actively seeks to dampen the Spirit, is unable to stop the Spirit, how much more will we, who desire to be used, will see God do great things through us.
When we operate in the power of God. It is certainly true the nearer to God we are in love and obedience, our potential to be used increases. Nevertheless, every believer has within them the person of God in the Spirit working in them and through them.
The context of our passage today is Paul explaining he doesn’t need a recommendation from anyone as a servant of God because the people He has ministered to and the change that has taken place in them are proof of God’s power in Him. This is true for all of us. To be used by God, we must release the thought that we have to be perfect like Him. We don’t. We only need to have been changed. Letting people see how God has wrought a change in us releases the power of God even though we still have a long way to go.
It is only if we begin to operate in the spirit of the law can we quench the power of God working through us. When we move within the spirit of the law, it makes us believe we must prove our worth by letting others know how well we have kept the law. In other words, we believe our value to serve God is found in how good of a Christian we are. The big problem with this is that the spirit of the law requires perfection from birth. It’s an impossible task so we end up boasting where we have no standing. We become hypocrites.
But in the Spirit, we testify to the love and grace of God despite our shortcomings. We elevate the Lord in the eyes of others and they turn to Him and He moves in their life. When we remember it is all about the wonder of our God, and never about anything good we think we have done.
Prayer: Lord, help me to remember to be used by God, I simply need to let others know how good You are and that I don’t have to be perfect. Amen.