Getting Wisdom
July 1, 2023 2023-07-01 8:02Getting Wisdom
Getting wisdom.
James 3:17
17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. (NIV)
The Bible says to get it even if it costs you all you have. How do we go about getting wisdom?
It flows out of God. There is no other source. God has set things into motion according to His plan and design. Any thought working against God’s plan and design cannot be wise. It will not work any more than using a blender without the top. We might think we are being wise, but once things begin to turn, we realize what we missed as our life explodes all over the walls. The Bible says there is a way that seems right to a man but only leads to destruction.
The difficulty is that we have intelligence. We think we know what is best. We are often wise in our own eyes, but what we first believe to be perfect astuteness will sometimes leave us covered in our own splatter. For this reason, God gives us these characteristics to help us discern actual wisdom from perceived wisdom.
It is pure. If our motives are not Godly, it ain’t wise!
It’s peace-loving. The word means to reconcile those involved not to avoid conflict. What is wise has the goal of helping people find peace with one another. It is foolish trying to avoid conflict. This allows grudges to settle in.
It is considerate and submissive. The deeper meaning is persuasion. Foolishness forces people.
It is merciful giving kindness where it may not be deserved.
It is full of good fruit. Actions done in wisdom will bring sweetness to the moment.
It is impartial. The root of impartiality is a desire to be loved or get positive attention from a person. Wisdom never treats one person better than the other to capture another’s affection.
It is sincere without any hidden agenda.
It is not always knowing what is right but knowing how to handle being right with a pure motive, gentle disposition, positive attitude, and striving for peace. These come from the Holy Spirit. There is no wisdom without communion with the Spirit. Wisdom is more than knowing. It is knowledge blended together with heart purity without forgetting to put the top on. It comes from communion with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit not only gives knowledge but also purifies our hearts to handle our knowledge with wisdom. Knowledge without the Spirit creates arrogance. When you pray for wisdom, expect an attitude adjustment from the Holy Spirit.
Prayer: Lord, give me wisdom in all that I do. Amen.