Finding our Value
July 1, 2023 2023-07-01 8:02Finding our Value
We compare ourselves to siblings, friends, co-workers, and even the rich and famous. But our challenge is finding our value.
Today’s Scripture
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (NIV)
Finding Our Value
It was never God’s intention that anyone would be seen as greater than anyone else from a spiritual perspective. Within society, there are those who have positions with greater responsibility, some with greater notoriety, but their value does not increase higher than the person at the lowest rung of society’s structure.
Women are equal to men, to children, to every creed, race, and religion in God’s eyes. But we live in a culture where value is placed on those at the top rung and disdain for those at the bottom. We cannot fall into this trap. It creates a self-imposed comparison to everyone we see. Everyone tries to look like those they see on television, make as much money as they see on Wall Street, become as ‘liked’ as the social media influencers. This is all in vain.
You are His pearl of great price.
Who, in this secular age, gets to decide who is more valuable than any other? Who made them an expert? And is it not the same people who puff certain others up but also the ones tearing them down at the slightest hint of controversy? Those puffed up as somehow better than others are being manipulated and used for someone else’s profit. Some may knowingly choose to be used in this way for their own benefit. Others just wanted to do a job that happened to turn into a high profile. But no one is more valuable as a human being just because their image sells.
The true expert on the value of human beings could only be the Creator. When we left Him in our sin to pursue other ways of life, we sold ourselves to the world. God’s response was to buy us back. He gave up the glories of Heaven to be born in the flesh, to suffer the hardship of this world, to live a sinless life to earn the right to give His life for yours. You would have to be pretty valuable for God to do this for you.
In the end, it does not matter what others say. Neither does it matter the voice in your own head wishing you looked more like this one or had the fame of that one, or the money of the other one. The only voice that matters is God. He has made it perfectly clear there is no one more valuable than you.
Lord, help me escape the box society tries to put us all in as if some are better than others. Give me the confidence that I am your pearl of great price. Amen.