Faith Greater Than Our Struggles


Faith Greater Than Our Struggles

Faith greater than our struggles

Romans 10:10
10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. (NIV)


The Bible says the power of life and death is in the tongue. It is what we speak that opens the door for spiritual power. The eternal life of God that brings peace, joy, love, and mercy is released by the words we speak. The power of death is also released when our words are negative, self-destructive, or condemning to others. But the power of death is also released when we don’t speak.

We have been made in the image of God. When God wanted there to be light, He spoke. When we He wanted to create something out of the nothingness that was, He did so through the power of His spoken word. We are filled with the same power. The impact we could have on our own heart and the lives of others is immeasurable. There are times to be silent, but there are times when we need to release the chariots of Heaven by speaking the truth of God over ourselves and others.

This passage reminds us of this power. It is by professing our faith, talking about it, sharing our testimony that we are saved. This might go against the doctrine of salvation taught us by Paul in Ephesians. He teaches that we are saved by faith and nothing we do, yet in this passage, it seems Paul is teaching that salvation comes by the sharing of our testimony. How do we reconcile these?

Faith is delicate. Faith in Christ must never be limited to belief in His existence as if we accept the stories of Christ as true history. No, faith in Christ is really trusting in Him as the One who guides us to abundant life. To find this abundant life, we must increase our trust in Him to a greater level than the anxiety and frustration caused by the issues of this life. How do we do this? We profess our faith. We testify.

When we tell someone else what God has done in our life, we eat the fruit of our own lips. Our words fortify what has happened in our heart. The faith we have is strengthened. Our words encase our faith in concrete to withstand the storms that will surely come.

Prayer: Lord, give me a boldness to share my faith. Let me hear the voice of the Holy Spirit to know the divine moments you have given me to tell someone all You have done for me. Amen.


Biblical principles Christian Counseling




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