Delay in Obedience
July 1, 2023 2023-07-01 8:02Delay in Obedience
Delay in obedience.
Psalms 119:60
60 I will hasten and not delay
to obey your commands. (NIV)
The longer it takes for us to obey God reflects our spiritual condition.
There are certainly times when it is not clear what God is calling us to do. There are times when we are trying to obey God, but we are not sure the method He would have us choose. But when we know without a doubt what we should do, a delay in obedience reveals an area lacking maturity.
Why do we procrastinate?
It basically comes down to a few things. Perhaps we are lazy, but laziness is a spiritual issue. God has called us live life to the full, to spend our days doing the work of God, and to dream big for the plans God has for us. Laziness could be a sign of settling, and being comfortable with the status quo. This, however, is to reject what God has for us because He is always doing something new. It could be a lack of faith in not believing that life can be better, so we settle. Either way, it is a place that needs spiritual attention. We must decide if God really desires to give us the best life and if He is able. But both are true. God always wants the best and He is always able.
Delays in obeying the Lord could also come from our desire to avoid pain. The Lord does call us to do things that are difficult. He calls us to do things that can create strife in relationships, even loving relationships. We know we need to have a conversation, but we don’t want to create a stir. We know we need to say something, but we know it will create offense. We must remember that these moments give the greatest potential for spiritual growth. To speak the truth in love even when someone doesn’t want to hear it requires us to have a desire to please God more than man.
Delays in obedience come down to trust. Do we trust God? Do we trust He will do what He says? Do we trust His way is better? Do we trust He is able? In moments of delay, we must push past the cause and choose to trust Him all the way.