Conquering Sin, Death, and Hell


Conquering Sin, Death, and Hell

Conquering sin, death, and hell.

1 Thessalonians 4:14
14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. (NIV)


Christ’s death and resurrection remind us He conquered sin, death, and Hell.

Like one born a slave who never knows any other life, so we are servants to our sinful nature. Then, one day, Christ appears to us revealing the path of freedom from sin. As we put our faith in Him, our sin is covered by His blood, so it is not held against us. Now we can receive the Holy Spirit who gives us the self-discipline we need to conquer the sin in our life.

The spirit of death filled us with a sense of emptiness without a purpose. It pushed our eyes to the world around us and the people in our life as our source of spiritual refreshment. These are mirages filling our souls with dryness and our thirst for fulfillment only gets worse. The Holy Spirit, however, has been given to us in order that we might conquer the spirit of death also. We find our peace, contentment, and fulfillment from within knowing God is the source of the true, living water for our souls. The issues of this life and relationship drama cannot take away our knowing that God is working all things for our good. Peace and joy are found in this, and death is defeated.

Along with these victories, Jesus also conquered Hell. According to Christ’s teaching, Hell is a real place. Among the many descriptions in Scripture, Hell is the absence of God and everything good. To reject God as Lord of our life is to choose Hell as our eternal destination. Hell is what we all deserved in our sinful state. But the Bible tells us Christ went to Hell and took the keys to this spiritual prison. The prison doors are open. He is now the judge of our eternity. He is the Judge who sees our sin within our faith and because of our faith, our sin has been blotted out with His own blood. And there is no other Judge. He decides and He has already decided that all who put their faith in Him have conquered Hell. Upon our death on Earth, we will rise to live again. Not to this earthly life, but to a new glorified life in Heaven with Him.

Prayer: Lord, teach me to live conquering sin, death, and hell. Remind me that I live in your grace and will one day, I will live with You forever. Amen!


Biblical principles Christian Counseling




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Comment (1)

  1. Mary MUir

    Thank you very much for your daily scripture I love our Lord Jesus with ally heart soul.amen

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