Chosen by God


Chosen by God


You are chosen by God.  Well, how do you know?  Jesus said that many are called but few are chosen.  How do we know we have been chosen.  Jesus explains in the parable of the wedding feast.

There is a wedding and a king was going to have a wedding feast for his son and he sent out invitations to those who were invited, but they didn’t come.  God called first the nation of Israel.  However, they rejected Christ and refused to come to the wedding feast, the salvation of their souls.

Then the king had his servants go out into the streets and invite anyone they could.  The Scripture says they invited both good and bad.  Then, the wedding hall was full of people.  When the nation of Israel rejected Christ, the Lord sent Peter to Cornelius’ home, a gentile and Peter to all the world.  He opened the invitation to Heaven and salvation to whosoever might believe.  Everyone was now called to come to the wedding feast of Heaven.

But when the king walked through the banquet hall, he saw a man who had not dressed appropriately for the feast.  this was was thrown out into the outer darkness.  Then Jesus said, “Many are called, but few are chosen.”  So, who was chosen in this parable?  It was those who were eventually called or invited who also changed their clothes.

In that day, it was innappropriate to not wear the correct attire to an event such as this.  This dress represents repentence.  In Revelation, those who have accepted Christ as said to have ‘washed their robes” (Revelation 22:14).  The servants of this parable king, after first being rejected, went out and invited everyone they could find, but those who were ‘called’ or allowed to remain were those who had dressed appropriately, meaning they had repented of their sin and accepted Christ that their sins would be washed away.

If you have trusted the Lord as your personal Savior, then you are chosen.  God has chosen, but you are chosen for what?  What does this mean to be chosen by God?

When God, an invisible God chose Abram and eventually, the nation of Israel, it was to reveal Himself to the world.  Even when Pharoah is swallowed up by the Red Sea, the Scripture says that God does this so that all of Egypt will know that He is God.  We are chosen to reveal the One, true God.  We are chosen as a lamp carrying the light of Christ to the world, not only by our words, but especially by our lifestyle.

You have been chosen to be the light of Christ in the darkness of this world that others may find the light and escape this shadowy culture of death.  Now, go and carry His light to a dark world.

Live Blessed and Be a Blessing!





Walk in the LightWalk in the Light

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I can just imagine the guy who was healed asking his friends later, “What did he put on my eyes?”  To see his face when his friend says, “Spit. He put his own spit on your eyes.” Seriously, spit? Jesus put spit on the blind man’s eyes to make him see?  Well, that is what He did.

This is one of those times in the Scripture when I wish I could know the absolute thought process of what Jesus was doing or saying.  There are many things…Read More



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