All That is Within Me
July 1, 2023 2023-07-01 8:02All That is Within Me
All that is within me.
Praise seems simple enough and truly He is worthy of all praise. But here David speaks of praise coming from all of his inmost being. Praise should come from the deepest part of who we are.
The purpose of praise is to elevate the deepest part of who we are to encounter the deepest part of God as He descends upon us. It is a Heavenly intercourse.
Often, in the Old Testament, we are commanded to shout to the Lord. This is not a euphemism. It is not symbolic. The Lord is calling for a visceral cry from our depths. Shouts of praise, songs sung with all conviction move us out of the world we see into the world we don’t. We connect with the spiritual realm.
Think of how people act at concerts, sports events, and the surprise homecoming of a soldier from the war. There is a visceral of joy, passion, excitement, and release. We have moved past our blood and bones into the transcendent that is more us than the face we see in the mirror.
God calls us to praise Him from all that is within us for spiritual communion. To be enraptured in His presence, we must praise Him with all that is within. We can’t simply mouth the words of a song. The words must become ours and we sing with all of our hearts. This moves us and moves all who hear. There are moments when our praise must surpass our composure. David danced until his clothes fell off. God is calling us to lose ourselves in praise.
This is only possible when we stack up in our mind all He has done and all He is to us. “Forget not all His benefits,” David writes. It is hard to praise God when you focus on what you feel He has not done for you. Instead, remember what He has done for you. Remember what you never thought of such as the benefits of where you were born, the health of your body, the good things taken for granted. Remember all His good deeds and all of His good help in times of trouble. Then, you will praise with all that is within you.
Prayer: Lord, help me to praise You beyond my own composure that I might release my Spirit up to yours for communion on another realm. Help me to praise with all that is within me.