A Love that Compels


A Love that Compels

A love that compels.

2 Corinthians 5:14-15
For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. (NIV)


Jesus taught those who give up their desires and passions to live for Him will find a life greater than what they thought life could ever be. If we trusted these words, it seems we would dedicate each moment of the day to reflect His goodness and glory as we live out our lot in life. On the contrary, we are too often obsessed with our immediate goals. It’s not a conscious choice but our priorities fill up our minds and the mission of exemplifying Christ is forgotten.

Why do we live for Him at times and other times forget?

Only the love of Christ has the power to compel us. His love never vacillates. The constancy of His love, it would seem, should move us to continue to live on mission for Him. This is not the case for any of us. We struggle to live on mission, but the problem is not His love. His love always endures powerfully without weakening.

It was the Apostle Paul who prayed for all future believers that we would have power from the Holy Spirit to grasp the fierceness of God’s love. That’s it. The power of Christ’s love will compel, but we need power from the Spirit to supernaturally enlarge our capacity to wrap our head around the massiveness of His love. As we seek communion with God in the Spirit each day, our understanding and awareness of Christ’s love will saturate our attention throughout.

Our lack of or inconsistency to suppress the pressure of our own agenda to spend time in the Spirit with God in meditation and prayer robs us of the power we need to fully grasp His love. But when we all the Spirit to help, the love of Christ will pour out of us like the Niagara.

The overflowing love of Christ not only compels us to live for Him, but overwhelms and drives out the guilt, shame, hurt, and bitterness that weighs us down. Consider the love that moved Christ to leave Heaven, to be born in the flesh, live among us in this dirty world, just to die a torturous death so that any and every human would have an opportunity for a better life. This is a love too big for our little brain. The Spirit can help us. When He does, Christ’s love will compel us to live for Him.

Prayer: Lord, help me to discipline myself to spend time each day being still in Your Presence so the Holy Spirit can help me comprehend the love You have for me. Amen.

Biblical principles Christian Counseling



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