A Christian Response to Globalism from Prophecy


A Christian Response to Globalism from Prophecy

We are seeing big statements leading toward globalism.  There is a lot said about globalism in prophecy, but what is the Christian response?  Public service announcements (PSA) from famous people in popular culture encouraging people to stay home, to guard themselves during this covid-19 pandemic.  I heard one the other day and the famous athlete said something like we are all in this together, not America, but the world.  The world has to unite together.

We have also heard the President speaking quite a bit of Globalism and Globalists.  These are people who feel the best thing is to acquiesce to a one-world government.  Think about it for a minute.  It seems logical and good, doesn’t it.  I mean if the whole world were one, there would be no opposing countries that would war against one another and aren’t we tired of the wars.  If there was one-government, the whole world would share its resources.  This would distribute wealth and food more evenly to eliminate the disparity between the ultra-rich and extreme poor.  But like all utopian ideas, Globalism does not take into account the sinful nature of man.

Globalism is an impossible utopian idea.  How will one government handle religion for example?  Will it allow all religions to exist?  We are already seeing how Christianity is under attack because its morality goes against the cultural grain in our world right now.  Will radical Muslims peacefully lay down their weapons for the good of the world if they do not have their caliphate?  I don’t think so.  Will wealthy people gladly give up their money to be redistributed around the world?  Will dictators and power-hungry politicians peacefully relinquish their power for a world government?  I am going to say ‘no.’  Yet, the Scripture clearly tells us that globalism will happen.  We read about it in Revelation 13:


Revelation 13:1-4

The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. 3 One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. 4 People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?” (NIV)


John saw a vision of a dragon that represents Satan who is finally thrown out of Heaven.  To this point, Satan had access to Heaven (Revelation 12:10), but God hurled him to the Earth never to return to Heaven.  He will then raise up a beast (the antichrist) pictured here with ten horns and seven heads.  Each horn has a crown representing world rulers that have united together.  Satan supernaturally gives this beast power to unite the whole world.  One of the rulers represented by the heads of the beast receives a fatal wound, but is miraculously healed.  Then, the whole world, filled with wonder, follows the beast and worship the dragon.  This beast will facilitate what seems to be world-peace, but then, power, domination, persecution, and fear will be his instruments to maintain the power.  

What is our response as Christians?  We must seek the Lord in all things and we be aware of the world trending toward globalism and recognize that it will not work except by the supernatural power of Satan using deceit, theft, wars, and revolution.  We must see the truth behind  the facade of globalism.  It will not be a fair, peaceful, nor produce freedom.  It will do the opposite.  At the same time, we are obligated by Christ to make right the wrongs of our society.  We must be generous.  We must seek to love every human being.  We must be generous to the poor.  Seeking justice for those who have been wronged must be a priority.  

Eventually, globalism will happen.  God has told us this much through Scripture, but we need to not be deceived, believing any government or any man or woman, can save the world.  There is only one Savior.  He is the Christ.


Leave me a comment. What are your thoughts about what you see happening in our world right now?

Live Blessed and Be a Blessing!

Pastor Lee.net




Comments (2)

  1. Alicia Saenz

    Yes I totally agree with your insight Pastor Lee! We see our world that is thirsty for a one world government and we know by hearing about it on these commercials and just seeing the changes slowly enter into our everyday lives. Ive even heard such talk of digital Ids and this vaccine that Bill Gates wants to propose to track people. The patent he came up with even sounds like something their one world government wants to achieve to limit population. This is insane. They can’t win because Jesus Christ is the one in control of the world! Although the enemy may try and fulfill his purpose he knows he has little time and will try to come at us with full force…He thinks he will have the world fooled and he will for a little while but we are not in darkness for we know that these events are coming. That is the awesome power of the Bible. It tells us the events that are to happen even before they happen. We must put on the full armor of God! We must also tell others about Christ.

  2. User Avatar

    You are so right Alicia. God is on our side and faith is our victory! We hold on to Jesus with patience and wisdom. Thanks for the great comment!

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